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falcon 9 air造句

  • Other proposed, but canceled launch vehicles include Falcon 5 and Falcon 9 Air.
  • First flight for the air-launched Falcon 9 Air rocket was notionally planned for 2016.
  • On 27 November 2012 Stratolaunch announced that they would partner with Orbital Sciences Corporation instead of SpaceX, effectively ending development of the Falcon 9 Air.
  • A Falcon 5 and Falcon 9 Air launcher were also planned, but development was stopped on both vehicles before hardware was manufactured, in favor of pursuing development on other launch vehicles.
  • As of November 2015, the rocket or payload for the mega aircraft has not been publicly announced, after two previous plans SpaceX Falcon 9 Air and Orbital ATK Pegasus II rocket design concepts had been shelved.
  • In December 2011 Stratolaunch Systems announced that it would contract with SpaceX to develop an air-launched, multiple-stage launch vehicle, as a derivative of Falcon 9 technology, called the Falcon 9 Air, as part of the Stratolaunch project.
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